Australia S03E02

90% Question

Which of these animal pictures isn’t possible?



Koalas do not live in the same place as polar bears.

80% Question

Al accidentally fell asleep in the sun with his left hand on his chest. When he woke up, what shape was his sunburn?



B and D are imprints of his right hand in different positions, and C is a foot. Only A is the silhouette of his left hand.

70% Question

If Sydney and Canberra were to swap names, the Opera House would be in Canberra and the Federal Parliament would meet in Sydney. In this case, the Melbourne Cricket Ground would be in what city?



The MCG would still be in Melbourne, unaffected by Sydney and Canberra swapping names.

60% Question

Are there more chickens or eggs below?






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Because the chicken comes both first and last in the alternating chickens and eggs, there must be one more chicken than eggs.

50% Question

Bill’s glass is half full. Ben’s is half empty. Bill drinks half of what’s in Ben’s glass and Ben throws half of what’s in Bill’s glass in Bill’s face. Ben empties his glass into Bill’s glass. How full is Bill’s glass now?

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After Bill drinks half Ben’s glass and Ben throws out half Bill’s glass, both glasses are now a quarter full. Adding these together brings Bill’s glass back to half full.

40% Question

Ozzie the Postie is in an odd state. What two-letter abbreviation is missing from his list?


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These are the abbreviations of the states and territories of Australia in reverse.

35% Question

Which famous model Australian is represented here?

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30% Question

The Matildas played the Republic of WhoCares. In each half, Sam Kerr scored 6 minutes in, and every 6 minutes after that. If the game had two 45 minute halves, how many goals did she score?

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If she scores every six minutes of each 45 minutes half, that is 7 times in each half.

25% Question

Mary’s mother has six children, April, May, June, July, August, and who?

April 👩 May 👩 June 👩 July 👩 August 👩 ? 👩

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Mary is the only child of Mary’s mother not listed.

20% Question

In this maze, Sully keeps moving straight forward and only turns when he is stopped by a wall. He enters the maze then turns LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT. Where does he end up?

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15% Question

The times on these clocks are a code to the name of which Australian city?

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The digits on the clock correspond to the place of a letter in the alphabet, spelling ADELAIDE.

10% Question

This is an empty recycling bin 2 metres long, 1 metre wide and 1 metre high. It is not allowed to be loaded above the top of the bin rim. How many 2 metre long, 1 metre wide and 5cm thick plywood sheets will it take before the bin is no longer empty?

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As soon as one sheet is placed into the bin, it is no longer empty.

5% Question

Question not played, as one contestant remained after the 10% question.

1% Question

Reiki is playing with her home-made dartboard. She has 4 darts and needs to score exactly 25. She must hit the board with all 4 darts, not land on a number more than once, AND NOT in a segment next to where another dart has landed. What 4 numbers will win it for Reiki?

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4, 5, 7, 9